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Eka Pra Setiyawati, The Comparison of Using Snake Ladders and Scrabble Media Towards Vocabulary Mastery of Students At MAN 1 Metro Academic Year 2013/2014 An Undergraduate Thesis.


Pra Setiyawati, Eka. 2014. The Comparison Of Using Snake Ladders and Scrabble Media Towards Vocabulary Mastery of Students At MAN 1 Metro Academic Year 2013/2014 An Undergraduate Thesis. English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Muhammadiyah University of Metro. Advisor: (1) Prof. Dr. H. Juhri A.M., M.Pd (2) Refai S.Pd.Ing.,M.Pd. 

Key words: Snake Ladders Media, Scrabble Media, Vocabulary Mastery. 

Vocabulary is an assential component in learning English. It influences four skills of English; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing, for getting a good result in English. in teaching learning process the teacher often implements the less exact method, technique, or even media of vocabulary mastery in teaching and learning process which make the students are able to be bored, inactive, annoyed, and uninterested in memorizing English vocabulary. Some media can be presented as the solutions in vocabulary mastery, they are Snake Ladders media and Scrabble media. The problem formulations in this research are;(1) Is there any different result of students’ vocabulary mastery by using snake ladders from scrabble media of the tenth grade at MAN 1 Metro?.(2) Which one is more effective for students’ vocabulary mastery by Using snake ladders than scrabble media of the tenth grade at MAN 1 Metro?. The objectives of this research are;(1) To know whether there is any different result of students’ vocabulary mastery by using snake ladders from scrabble media of the tenth grade at MAN 1 Metro in academic year 2013/2014. (2) To know which one is more effective for students’ vocabulary mastery by Using snake ladders than scrabble media of the tenth grade at MAN 1 Metro in academic year 2013/2014 . The method of investigation was held through quantitative research. The researcher used true experimental research. In this experiment, it employed the pre test post test control group design. The researcher conducted at the tenth grade of MAN 1 Metro in academic year 2013/2014. The population in this research is 906 students. It consists of 22 classes and average of each class consists of 40 students. The researcher took 70 students from the total of population as the sample. The 35 students as experiment class and other 35 students as control class that have been matched based on the classification of students’ level. And the researcher used stratified cluster random sampling as technique sampling. To analyze data, the researcher used ttest formula. The researcher got the result of ttest is 3,15 and ttable is 2,66. It means that thit > ttable. And the criterion of ttest is H1 accepted if thit > ttable. So, there is any difference result of using Snake Ladders from Scrabble media toward students’ vocabulary mastery for the tenth grade students of MAN 1 Metro. Snake Ladders is more effective media than Scrabble towards students’ vocabulary mastery for the tenth grade students of MAN 1 Metro in academic year 2013/2014. By comparing the students’ vocabulary mastery by using Snake Ladders and Scrabble media in the research, the researcher found that the students who were treated by Snake Laaders media showed more significant result than the students who were treated by Scrabble media. It meant that Snake Ladders is effective to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. The researcher suggested that it is better if the English teachers apply Snake Ladders media in vocabulary learning instruction. The students can be interested, fun and delighted in memorizing English vocabulary while playing an interesting game.

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