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Vita Ferdyana : The Comparison of Using Think Pair Share (TPS) and Roundrobin Technique of Cooperative Learning Method Toward Speaking Ability At The First Grade of SMA Kartikatama Metro Academic Year 2013/2014.


 Ferdyana, Vita. 2014. The Comparison Of Using Think Pair Share (TPS) And Roundrobin Technique of Cooperative Learning Method Toward Speaking Ability At The First Grade of SMA Kartikatama Metro Academic Year 2013/2014. An Undergraduate Thesis. English Education Study Program. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Muhammadiyah University of Metro. Advisor I: Prof. Dr. H. Marzuki Noor, M.S., Advisor II: Dedi Turmudi,S.Pd.,MA.TESOL. 

Key Words: Think Pair Share (TPS), Roundrobin, Speaking Ability. 

Speaking as one of the four skills has always been as a part of the syllabus in teaching of English. The techniques presented as a solution in this research about speaking ability are Think Pair Share (TPS) and Roundrobin technique. There are two problems of the study, 1) Is there any significant different using TPS and Roundrobin technique of cooperative learning method toward speaking ability at the first grade of SMA Kartikatama Metro academic year 2013/ 2014? 2) Which one is more effective between TPS and Roundrobin technique of cooperative learning method toward speaking ability at the first grade of SMA Kartikatama Metro academic year 2013/ 2014? . The objectives of this research are: 1) To know whether is any significant different using TPS and Roundrobin technique of cooperative learning method toward speaking ability at the first grade of SMA Kartikatama Metro academic year 2013/ 2014. 2) To know which one is more effective between TPS and Roundrobin technique of cooperative learning method toward speaking ability at the first grade of SMA Kartikatama Metro academic Year 2013/ 2014. The method of investigation is held through quantitative experimental research. Research design that will be used in this research is quasi experimental design. The population this research is the students at the tenth grade of SMA Kartikatama Metro in Academic Year 2013/2014 that consist of 93 students. In taking sample, the researcher used the cluster stratified random sampling. The data collecting techniques the researcher used are pre-test, treatment, and post-test. There are two instruments in the research, the first one is Pre Test and the second is Post test. To analyze data, the researcher uses t_test is 4.60 for α=0.05 The t_table=2.02 or it means that t_count˃ t_table. And the criterion of t_test is t_count˃ t_table . So, there is difference result of students speaking ability between using TPS and Roundrobin technique and students speaking ability using Think Pair Share (TPS) technique was higher than those who were taught by using Roundrobin technique or it can be said that speaking ability using TPS is more effective than Roundrobin technique."

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